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Projects & Hobbies

Just fun stuff I enjoy doing.


My photography portfolio

I do photography as a hobby, mainly focusing on astrophotography, long-exposure shots, landscapes, and architectural photography.


You can find my full photography portfolio below

Spinning Steel Wool on a Jump Rope - From

Amateur Astronomy

My involvement in astronomy

I do presentations at the Science North Planetarium, run star parties for Science North and Killarney Provincial Park at their observatories and am part of the Sudbury Astronomy Club at Laurentian University.

Science North Logo
Royal Astronomical Society Logo
Brevard Astronomical Society Logo
A Photo of Stars at Night - From

Web Design

Designed, built, and integrated booking management & payment software into, current WIP is where I'm playing with more complex JS & CSS interactions and using WebGL to integrate neat 3D models on the web.


Both websites used to be something out of the 90's, akin to Geocities, now they're looking sleek and modern with full payment integration so it's a breeze for customers & clients to signup.

Eventually I'll have some cool web stuff on here too

Macbook Computer


Nothing better in Ontario

I enjoy finding good spots in and around Northern Ontario to camp, canoe, and hike.


Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.

A Canoe at Sunset on a Lake - From
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